Isekai Ojisan Wiki

Mabel Rayveil (メイベル=レイベール, Meiberu Reibēru) is the last descendant of the Ice Clan. She is the keeper of a legendary Ice sword said to be the only weapon against the Fire Dragon. Her feelings influence the ice around her, and negative feelings usually make her and her surroundings freeze. She is one of the three big love interests in the story.


Mabel-FullDesign-1 (Anime)

Mabel has long blue hair and eyes. She is usually covered in a blue dress.

She may also have ice serving some purpose on her appearence as her emotions take over.


She hates work while, at the same time, loves to feel superior to others by showing off the ranking she attained in the military.

She has a big weak and soft spot for Ojisan. This makes her sword melt just by him being around.

Ever since she thought of letting Sui provide for her, she acts as a dog around Sui whenever she sees her.


Mabel used to live in a freezing house in a village. She is a descendant from the clan that keeps the sword said to be the only weapon capable of defeating the Fire Dragon. The sword is frozen in Mabel's house and the ice surrounding it is said to thaw when her heart is warmed.

Upon opening her house's door, she talked about powa-powa flowers that she saw atop Mount Marchid with her mother as a child. Ojisan pays her no mind and goes off to fight the dragon. Once the dragon was defeated, he headed back to the village to bring the news and Mabel just rolls to the side on her ice bed.

Mabel then finds Ojisan in his room and asks him to teach her to be stronger. She opens up to him saying she led a recluse life to which he then says it is a valid way of living. After hearing his speech, she displays an evil grin. She offers him the legendary ice sword and he refuses to accept it because "it's too cold". The ice around the sword increases signifying an increase in Mabel's sorrow.

This led Mabel in an existential crisis route. She chased him and hunted him down in a forest with a scythe-shaped-ice-sword some time after. Ojisan tells her she doesn't have the intent to kill him and refuses to fight back. She passed out and he dragged her to an inn. He took care of her on that night and she told him her house was chopped down by the villagers once they saw they didn't need her for anything. She also told him how she froze the feet of all 108 villagers on the ground and dropped cold droplets on their necks before leaving. This was the time she revealed she couldn't stand to work.

Still in the room, Ojisan almost completely thaws the ice on the sword by saying he likes talking to her and by giving her her first Cosmic Ring. At this point the ice sword turned to a waterfall (out of all the thawing going on). But once he tells her to sell off the ring to live a comfy life, she went berserk and the sword froze up again.

Elf arrived at the confusing scene of Ojisan on top of a tied up Mabel trying to hold her down. She completely mistook the scene and cut down the bindings Ojisan had placed on Mabel. Mabel ends up freezing Ojisan and greeting Sui afterwards.

Despite the happening, Mabel cherished the ring. After that, Sui tried to persuade her that a relationship with Ojisan would be terrible. They ended up bonding after all this. She became friends with Tsundere Elf and even shared a bed with her and Ojisan when he was unconscious. The next day they parted ways and this was the time Ojisan introduced himself as "Wolfgunblood".

Their next encounter was when Ojisan was confronting Ricardo Markfield for placing Alicia's party in danger as if to sacrifice them. Mabel arrived at the scene of a shapeshifted Ojisan (in his old teacher's body) slapping the ever loving shiznes out of Ricardo and Miller's faces (as a way to reprimand them for their actions). Mabel had the sword in full ice form ready to rumble, but as she saw Ojisan, it quickly thawed away as she blushed.

The two engaged in a full blown battle with her sword in a 4-bladed scythe form. The battle was flashy and had tons of magic in it. But it was all an ilusion. Ojisan and Mabel were actually sitting in the corner of the room chatting, Mabel bragged about being a Knight, and Ojisan said she was beautiful (making her blush). Then, everyone present in the room noticed the two just chilling and confronted them about it (their illusion had taken ridiculous proportions and wasn't holding their attention anymore). Mabel fell prey to a mind-control spell and almost killed several soldiers, had Ojisan not interfered. He freed her and confronted the Bishop Karn Zenergam. Ojisan inspired the soldiers and Ricardo to be better and almost gave away yet another fake name (Mansaku Kamegashira), but Mabel quickly corrected him and he settled for Wolfgunblood. Ojisan shapeshifted into a Flame Dragon and flied away.

Mable was fired after all the incident.

Their next meeting happened once Ojisan accepted a quest to slay a musical beast. Ojisan then learns that the beast is just Mabel's power combined with her singing in an encampment she made in order to flee society. Ojisan enjoys her voice quite a lot and asks her to sing videogame themes for him.

It is revealed that some mercenaries were after her and Ojisan, but Elf saved them both (while having a mental breakdown).

The next day, Mabel meets Ojisan and Sui right after he gave her a new nickname. They go check nearby ruins and Ojisan sets free an entity full of divine magic. This leads to the last battle of the season.

In season 1's final fight against a divine-energy-powered Fire Dragon, she served as bait (Ojisan's idea) as the dragon seemed to hate her and her clan. During the fight, Ojisan and Elf/Sui charged up an attack as Mabel acted as bait while being protected by Edgar and Raiga.

After the fight, Ojisan reveal his name to Mabel and Alicia, but they say they prefer his fake names.


  • Ice Control: using the Toushinken, she can freeze enemies or shape ice at will.
  • Battle proficiency: Mabel uses a mix of melee fight with ice magic to battle.


  • God-Freezing Sword (凍神剣, Toushinken): The sword's ice is said to melt when she feels warmth in her heart and to freeze when she feels bad emotions. So the sword's ice is heavily influenced by Ojisan's careless actions towards her feelings.
  • Robe of Beast (けだもののローブ, Kedamono no Rōbu): With this, she is able to appear as an animal and she uses it to escape human-hunting monsters.
  • Cosmic Ring: one of 7 existing cosmic rings. Given by Ojisan.
  • Another Cosmic Ring: one of 7 existing cosmic rings. Given by Ojisan after the defeat of the divine-energy-powered Fire Dragon. Sui is the only girl to currently hold 2 Cosmic Rings.



