Isekai Ojisan Wiki

"Chapter 3" is the third chapter of the "Isekai Ojisan" Series.


One day, Uncle shows interest in buying a Turn Model Cellphone from an Auction. Takafumi says that it won't be used under modern standards since it uses an old 2G signal. But Uncle isn't worried as he won't be using it anyway, as there is no one to call to. While Uncle is surprised by the amount of stuff a Smartphone can do, he laments about their lack of gimmick. Uncle then notes that 17 years has changed a lot of things and developed innovations. He then mentioned how he once innovated an item in the otherworld and showed his memory about the incident using the spell "Icuras Elran". He had crafted an "ever-brimming pot of water" using spell cards for a village suffering from a drought. Takafumi is impressed by the news and compares it to the Overpowered Modern Science Trope and thinks the villagers must have sung praises and gratitude for Uncle. But in reality, the villagers had tried to hang Uncle because the shape of the item was sacrilegious, and they smashed it. And while the villagers were trying to turn Uncle, Elf arrives to stop them. While Elf was trying to mediate the situation, Uncle took the chance to escape. Takafumi becomes frustrated with the case, though Uncle misinterprets it as Takafumi doesn't like the first-person view of the incident. So Uncle turns the point-of-view in his memory and shows Takafumi how he was treated. Takafumi asks Uncle if it's possible to see what happened with the Elf, to which Uncle focuses on the background and sees the Elf being a bit disappointed that Uncle had run away. She starts fighting the villagers who attacked her. Suddenly Uncle gets a notification of the Auction on the Cellphone closing down soon and in a hurry orders, without checking the shipping cost, which turns out to be 2,000 Yen for the item, since someone from an isolated island was selling it. Takafumi laments that if the location was closer, they could have picked it up personally to save the shipping cost and considered the incident a lesson. Uncle suddenly jumps out of the window, to Takafumi's surprise, and flies away, returning from his trip 30 minutes later with the Cellphone in hand. He shows it off to Takafumi, who asks Uncle whether he could pick up a similarly auctioned item, to which Uncle agrees.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

Characters in italics debuted here.

