Isekai Ojisan Wiki

Ojisan (おじさん) or Uncle in English, his real name is Yousuke Shibazaki (嶋㟢陽介 (しばざき ようすけ), Shibazaki Yōsuke), and he is the primary character in the Isekai Ojisan series.


Yousuke-FullDesign (Anime)

Ojisan has shoulder-length black hair, and since returning from the alternate world, he grew some chin stubble. He wears glasses, a dark gray hoodie, pants, and shoes. He also has black eyes.

Ojisan-FullDesign-2 (Anime)

While in the alternate world, his clothing consisted of a white medieval shirt, white medieval pants, long brown gloves and boots, a black belt around his waist with a dagger attached to the back, and a red scarf with several tears at both ends. However, he was still wearing his glasses.

He has an ordinary appearance, but was ostracized and mistaken for an orc in the alternate world since the average attractiveness of humans was much higher.


Ojisan is not all that reluctant to have left the alternate world, since he mostly remembers being an outcast there and is much more interested in the video games he remembers playing when he was younger.

He is largely oblivious to the affections of some of the women he knew in the alternate world, mostly because they embodied anime tropes that weren't around or all that prominent before he was sent there.

Despite being an Otaku, he is not at all familiar with anime conventions as he was strictly a gamer Otaku, and did not recognize those same conventions from RPG's because he dislikes those kind of games.





  • Wild Talker: A auto-translation skill which allows Uncle to communicate with any being be Human, Spirit or Monster. It is a skill which he gained as a transport bonus based on his wish to communicate with others to reach an understanding.
  • Spirit Magic: With the help of "Wild Talker", Uncle was able to communicate with the Spirits residing in the World, and use various Magic & Spells by borrowing their power.
    As the Magic is based on Spirit, the usage of them is also based on the whims of the Spirits.
    When the spells are used on external targets, the language used to activate them is dependent on the region and the affected area. As in Granbahamal, Granbahamalian is used to activate the spell, while in Japan, Japanese is used to activate. When Uncle uses the spells on himself as target, he uses Granbahamalian even while in Japan.


  • Icuras: The method for initiating memory-related spells.
    • Icuras Cuora: A spell which erases the targets memories of specified incidents. But the effect isn't permanent, and if the target is made aware of the incident, their memories would return back, and as a backlash of the returning memory they would suffer a nosebleed.
    • Icuras Elran/Memory Spirit, Reveal This Fragment Unto Us: A spell which shows the targets memories in a visual form.
    • Icuras Slad Larch: A spell that allow Uncle to directly receive the target's memories.
  • Storage Magic: A space pocket which can store various stuff. This spell was taught to him by Elga.
  • Zacktorla Katluf: A spell allows him to transform into other beings. There hasn't been a reveal about the conditions yet, but it's suggested that Uncle may be able to transform into creatures he is familiar with, and also be able to use their full abilities. However, there's a risk that his mind gradually changes over time to conform to the body. The following list includes beings he shows to transform into.
    • Elf [1]
    • Mr. Tabuchi: He's Uncle's 8th-grade homeroom teacher. Uncle states that Mr. Tabuchi is the most powerful being he knows, as he's undefeated when it comes to debate.[2]
    • Blaze Dragon: The legendary dragon he once defeated. He chooses such a being to show formidable power, destroying the church roof right after the transformation, and making his speech sound sonorous. Then, he flies away.[3]
    • T. rex/Human-dinosaur [4]





  • The name Yousuke means "light, sun, male" (陽) (you) and "help, assist" (介) (suke).
  • Yousuke's surname Shibazaki means "island" (嶋) (shima/shiba) and "peninsula, promontory, cape, spit" (㟢) (zaki).

